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    C Program To Calculate Sales Man Commission .

    Here is the Simple C Program To Calculate Sales Man Commission.


    (Sales Commission Calculator) One large chemical company pays its salespeople on a commission
    basis. The salespeople receive $200 per week plus 9% of their gross sales for that week. For
    example, a salesperson who sells $5000 worth of chemicals in a week receives $200 plus 9% of
    $5000, or a total of $650. Develop a program that will input each salesperson’s gross sales for last
    week and will calculate and display that salesperson’s earnings. Process one salesperson's figures at a time.

    Source Code:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

    int main()
        float sales,salary;
        while (sales!=-1){
        printf("Enter sales in dollars (-1 to end): ");
        if (sales==-1)
        printf("Salary is: %.2f\n",salary);
        return 0;



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    1. How to learn concept in easy way

      1. Please tell me why we put-1 at last in statement-1 is not given

    2. a rifle sales person sold rifle log,stock and barrels made by a gunsmith rifle log cost 45 dollar,stock cost 30 dollar,barrels cost 25 dollar .The sale person had to sell at learst one log ,one stock,one barrels per month,he can sell in a month atmost 70 log ,80 log,90 barrels after each town visit the sales person send a telelgram to gunsmith with number of log ,stock and barrels sold at the end of the month the sales person send telelgram showing -1 rifle log sold.calculate sales per commision as follows 10percent upto 1000 dollar,15 percent upto 800 dollar and 20 percent upto 800 dollars on the sale 1800 dollar

    3. Consider the sales of an item on 5days by 4 sales persons. Write a program to display the following :
      1. Total sales by each sales person
      2. Total sales on each day
      3. Grand total of sales on all days by all sales person


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